Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Meditation Mondays

Meditation Mondays will be on Mondays at 7:15am in my office or in the gym, depending on how many of us show up. This will be a time of meditation (no religious affiliation :) before our work week begins. If you haven't tried meditation before, don't freak out. You don't have to do any chants (unless you want to haha) or anything like that. Meditation is "not about forcing the mind to be quiet, its finding the silence that is already there and making it a part of your life." Meditation is something I've just started doing recently, but I have found it to be something that I find alot of peace in and has helped me cope with daily stress. We will change it up alot by doing guided meditations, readings, and sometimes just sitting. I think it will be a great time to just prep ourselves for the week ahead and set some positive intentions for our days. Join me at 7:15am, starting this Monday, November 12. Meditation time: 10 minutes.

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