Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mediation Thursdays!

Don't forget...Meditation in my office @ 7:15am Thursday (11/29)! Join us!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wacky Wednesday 11/28: "Kiss My Boot Day"

Tomorrow is "Kiss My Boot Day" at Warner! Wear your fav boots, come down to the gym, & get your picture made to enter the drawing for something super cool!

Wacky Wednesday: Scarf Day!

Thanks to everyone who participated in Scarf Day!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Addition: Meditation Thursdays

So, upon request, I'm adding a "Meditation Thursdays" to our little WarnerLove community. We will be meditating on Thursday mornings at 7:15am. Join us for a time of peace and quiet before the storm hits at the end of the week! See you there!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wacky Wednesdays

What is it? Wednesdays are fun days. I (or we--ideas welcome!) will pick something that we all will wear on Wednesdays. It could be any of the following: funky sock day, scarf day, green (or any color) day, favorite jersey day, or whatever. Just a day that we all are wearing something similiar or in common.

Starting Wednesday, November 14, 2012: Favorite Scarf Day!

Oh yea, this is totally voluntary of course. If you don't have a scarf, I have plenty. Or if your neck gets hot, no worries or judgements--just some "you're too serious" looks from me. :)

Meditation Mondays

Meditation Mondays will be on Mondays at 7:15am in my office or in the gym, depending on how many of us show up. This will be a time of meditation (no religious affiliation :) before our work week begins. If you haven't tried meditation before, don't freak out. You don't have to do any chants (unless you want to haha) or anything like that. Meditation is "not about forcing the mind to be quiet, its finding the silence that is already there and making it a part of your life." Meditation is something I've just started doing recently, but I have found it to be something that I find alot of peace in and has helped me cope with daily stress. We will change it up alot by doing guided meditations, readings, and sometimes just sitting. I think it will be a great time to just prep ourselves for the week ahead and set some positive intentions for our days. Join me at 7:15am, starting this Monday, November 12. Meditation time: 10 minutes.

Welcome Warner Faculty & Staff!!

First, I want to say welcome! Thank you for taking the time & making the effort to take a look at this blog! Hopefully, you will feel so inclined to keep looking at it and maybe even participate in one of my crazy attempts to bring us all together in the spirit of Warner Love & Community! I have created this blog to make it easier for us to communicate & engage in each other's lives not only in school, but outside of school. The truth is that our jobs are hard...really hard. The nature of our job is stressful, but one thing that research shows is that when morale among a group of people is high, it makes our jobs a little easier to handle. And-hopefully a little more fun! As you know, my speciality is health and wellness. Of course, my main focus is always the kids, but I want to extend my expertise to include you all as well. We all know that being healthy is not just about exercising & eating better. I tend to think that it should be viewed in a more holistic way. And that includes our mental, spiritual, psychological, social, and emotional health. Point being--I want to start something really cool (well, I think it's really cool anyway :) here at Warner. This is strictly voluntary, but if you are interested, I would love for you to join this Warner Love Group! You can commit to it as much or as little as you would like, no judgements whichever way you choose.  The group will consist of some of the following things: reading weekly posts about holistic health & wellness, posting encouraging words or quotes, being involved in weekly activities such as Meditation Mondays, Wacky Wednesdays, setting weekly intentions for our attitudes & reactions to students and ourselves, monthly "healthy snack taste tests, periodic faculty outings (Bowling, canoe trips,etc), Zumba Fitness Parties, and much more! Of course, you can participate or not participate in anything you choose. This could totally flop, BUT I'm willing to take the risk in hopes that this will provide you with a positive experience here at Warner that brings us closer together and maybe even helps relieve some of the daily stress we all tend to get wrapped up in. I will start posting some things to this blog and will send reminders by email periodically about it. Feel free to post away yourselves! But-keep in mind that this isn't a blog for whiners or complainers--this is a positive space! Thanks for your interest & hopefully your participation! I can't wait to see how this experiment works for us! Much love and peace.